Sunday, August 31, 2008

Cadastral Map

A cadastral map displays private property ownership as it relates to properties around it. One function is to serve as a basis of taxation. This is a map of a European village dating from 1852. This is interesting because it tells us that property ownership (and the resulting taxation) was important as long ago as that, and possibly even longer.

Thematic Map

A thematic map is more specific than a general reference map, displaying spatial patterns of a certain theme or attributes. A thematic tells a detailed story about a place. The interesting thing about this map is that it came from a published CIA file from 1996, showing terrain that is conducive to military movement in the former Yugoslavia (plains, hills, mountains). This was very relevant data at the time due to the conflict occurring and our later involvement. I did a six month tour in Bosnia and know firsthand the limiting ability of terrain features in regards to military operations.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Mental Map

A mental map is an individuals perception of their known world, depicted visually. You could say that it is the way in which we order the space around us. What is interesting about this mental map is the individual drew a familiar place with only their own frame of reference as a guide and then a map showing the actual locations of landmarks was overlayed onto it. This shows how accurate the persons mental map is to the actual map.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Propaganda Map

The propaganda map is used to convey a political message through the use of symbols, images and geography. This map is from WWI and shows the opposing countries at war. It is effective because it not only shows who is fighting proximity wise, but also instills preconceived notions by the use of negative imaging.

Flow Map

The flow map is used to display movement from one location to another. This can be either literal movement (immigration) or a process (installing a ceiling fan). This is a simple example of the process to make a sandwich. It is effective because it tells you what steps to take and, just as importantly, what order to take them in.