Sunday, October 19, 2008

Remote Sensing Image

This is the view of the base camp I was stationed at in Bosnia-Herzegovina from 2001-02, Camp McGovern. It lies on the outskirts of the town of Brcko, the district seat. The reason the details have been distorted is to maintain operational security; the bad guys can utilize this tool just as easily as the good guys. The remote sensing data displayed here is aerial photography. I believe that it is an infrared emulsion, the same type that the USGS uses to produce DOQQ's. I say this because with a DOQQ, true distance can be measured due to corrections in camera angle & relief; true distance can be measured in this image, as well. - 953k

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

A continuously variable proportional circle map is a proportional circle map, whereas the point data is mapped with a circle instead of with a dot. The number of circle sizes is not set; the size is representative of the distribution of the variable. This is a map of the Czech Republic utilizing this technique; I do not read Czech so I am not sure what variable is represented here.

Nominal Area Choropleth Map

A nominal area choropleth displays data groups that lack any implicit order. Instead, it relies on a qualitative classification of these groupings. This is a map of the southern portion of the Balkans; it is a nominal representation because there is no prescribed order to the nations displayed.

Unstandardized Choropleth Map

An unstandardized choropleth portrays areal data but, unlike a standardized choropleth, it is not areally averaged. Again, the boundaries for this type of map are often census tracts.

Standardized Choropleth Map

A standardized choropleth portrays areal data and is areally averaged (i.e. density-persons per square mile). This aids in comparing data across geographic boundaries. Often, areal divisions are census tracts (counties, states). This map describes the percentage of Canadians under the age of 14, and their location.

Univariate Choropleth Map

A univariate choropleth map displays the spatial distribution of an attribute as it relates to a single topic, or theme (univariate). In this map, the single topic is hay production for a given year; the distribution is portrayed by use of a colored scale and counties relating to this technique.

Bivariate Choropleth Map

A bivariate choropleth map is a thematic map displaying the relationship between two or more variables. It does this by use of a graded color scale, giving it the ability to convey both spatial and statistical information. This map of African countries displays three separate but related data sets: land use, life expectancy and GNP per capita.